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Improving the legal consultancy experience: Nexa shows how it can be done

John McAuley, CMO & Head of Talent
Estimated read time: 3 Minutes

Improving the legal consultancy experience: Nexa shows how it can be done

Nexa has been operating in the new law space for over six years now. We were in the initial wave of “new model” law firms that deliberately set out to do things differently and provide lawyers with an alternative career path to that offered by traditional partnership firms.

Our founding principles

Our co-founder and CEO Eliot Hibbert wanted to build a modern, forward-looking firm that wasn’t too corporate but was open and easy going, where like-minded professionals supported each other and collaborated easily.

Eliot wanted to take the best bits from others and leave behind those other bits that many lawyers find so frustrating and which distract them from actually practising law– internal politics, oppressive targets and overwhelming admin.

From the start, we were a fully remote business. There has never been any requirement for our lawyers to spend a minimum amount of time in any of our offices (although they can spend time in our serviced offices in Oswestry and London if they wish). Our lawyers can work wherever they want to and are based all over England and Wales.

Have we succeeded?

We can’t claim to be the “new kid on the block” anymore, but we are proud to still live by the values we were established to pursue. We set out to be a different type of law firm and we think we have achieved that. Our supportive environment and caring culture are cited again and again by those who have come to work with us as a genuine draw for them.

After the pandemic, many traditional law firms embraced hybrid working – something that was pretty unthinkable just a few years before. This presented a challenge, how could Nexa continue to strongly differentiate itself if traditional firms were changing their own working practices?

How are we different?

We’re confident that Nexa’s offering is still very different and offers a better way to work. Our consultants really are in control of their own destinies, they have real flexibility and freedom. And they get to keep more of the fees they generate.

At Nexa, we see our role simply as providing a high-quality level of support to enable our consultants to flourish. We are here to give, not take. We won’t interfere – there are no top-down targets, no minimum hours, no requirements about where you work or how much you bill, but we won’t just leave you to get on with it if you want a bit more back-up.

While consultancy is attractive to entrepreneurial lawyers who are happy to generate their own business, not all our consultants fit this mould. We are here for our consultants, whenever they need us, but how much support our consultants want is entirely a matter for them.

Our back-office team is highly responsive and efficient when it comes to billing, technical support and keeping on top of regulatory and compliance matters.

Our management team is also very accessible and supports our lawyers whenever needed -for some, that may be hardly ever, for others this may be a more regular occurrence. Examples include helping to put in place arrangements to cover a consultant’s maternity leave, providing interim financial assistance to those just starting out in consultancy and engaging PR support to help our lawyers increase their own profile externally.

Ready to find out more?

Not all consultancy law firms are the same so it’s important to understand what you are getting into. We are totally transparent about our terms and conditions. Our latest blog will tell you more. You can also check out our careers pages here or, have a look at our brochure.

For a confidential, no obligation chat, email or call David Roth, our friendly People and Systems Manager.



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