Introducing Nexa’s new digital business cards
We were delighted to “take delivery” of our new digital business cards this week.
Our consultant lawyers should be equipped with these very soon, so do ask about it when you next talk to your Nexa lawyer (we’re sure they won’t need any encouragement to show off their new toy)!
We love our tech here at Nexa and we think digital business cards are the bee’s knees, a super clever innovation which has dragged business etiquette into the twenty first century!
What’s more digital business cards are a more eco-friendly and sustainable way to pass on and record contact details.
Big thank you to Roger Hadley and all the team at V1CE cards for their fantastic support.
If you haven’t come across them before, here’s how it works:
Instead of needing to print out hundreds of paper cards to distribute, lawyers will keep one card with a QR code on it. When meeting clients or contacts the card can simply be produced and scanned, all the details can then be saved to that person’s phone.
In fact, keeping the physical card is not even necessary for the lawyer concerned. For a totally paperless solution, our lawyers can simply take a picture of their card and QR code on their phone and offer this up, when appropriate.
The QR code also offers access to Nexa’s website and social media platforms as well as the consultant’s personal website, if they have one.
Take a look
For the curious out there, you can see our CEO, Nigel Clark’s very own digital business card here.
All in all, we think this is a win-win – an easy and convenient way for lawyers and their contacts to access information and kinder to the planet too!