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Short Term Landlord, Tenant and Business Service

Short Term Landlord and Tenant Service

“The Lord Chief Justice has been clear that public health must be a priority. Tenants and landlords will be expected to work together to establish an affordable repayment plan, taking into account tenants’ individual circumstances”

“There can be no evictions as a result of Coronavirus for 3 months and we have the power to extend that”

Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government March 2020

 Lauren is currently offering the following service to maximise income and reduce outgoings for landlords:

  • Negotiation with creditors where there is reduced cashflow
  • Understanding current short-term guidelines within Covid-19 and landlord and tenants laws
  • Point of contact for tenants seeking relief from their housing liabilities due to financial difficulty
  • A review of the tenant’s financial circumstances with advice on debt minimisation and income maximisation through government assistance
  • Payment plans negotiated
  • Regular reporting and contact with the client
  • Reduced fee rate for last resort legal action taken for debts that arise as a result of Covid-19 and a flexible range of legal costs payment through Nexa Flex

In addition, to assist with cash flow issues Cedar has partnered with an accountant to provide advice and assistance in improving cash flow at this time including the Government Disruption Loans.

“A 20% reduction in income may sound small but for families that are making ends meet it will still cause significant financial difficulties. The misleading blanket statements from Government in respect of housing and evictions may mean that people do not pay their rent and services charges in the misguided belief that they are currently protected”

Lauren Bailey, Consultant Litigation Specialist, March 2020

 In response to current circumstances, Lauren has put together an enhanced service for Landlords across all tenures to maximise income and cash flow during these uncertain times.


Short Term Business Service 

“We are seeing unprecedented pressure on businesses, with small business particularly effected. nexa is particularly well placed to support businesses in an innovative, fully flexible and affordable way. Outstanding invoices for work undertaken do not have to be delayed. I can recover those invoices in a way that supports all businesses and customers concerned”

Lauren Bailey, Consultant Litigation Specialist, Nexa Law

Lauren is currently offering the following service to maximise income and reduce outgoings for business on a retainer basis:

  • Negotiation with creditors where there is reduced cashflow
  • Understanding current short-term Covid-19 guidelines and creditors current support offerings
  • Terms and conditions reviewed and advice provided
  • Point of contact for creditors and debtors
  • Debtors contacted and circumstances assessed
  • Where debtors are members of the public and in financial difficulty advice and assistance can be provided on their income maximisation
  • Affordable payment plans negotiated with creditors and debtors
  • Regular reporting and contact with you
  • Reduced fee rate for last resort legal action taken for debts that arise as a result of Covid-19 and a flexible range of legal costs payment through Nexa Flex

In addition, to assist with cash flow issues Lauren has partnered with an accountant to provide advice and assistance in improving cash flow at this time including the Government Disruption Loans.


More information on Lauren…

Lauren has over 20 years’ experience of working with vulnerable people in financial crisis advising tenants on reducing their outgoings and maximising their income through government assistance packages. There are multiple agencies who assist the public in financial difficulties however due to continual budget costs these services were strained before the current public health measure. It follows that their services will be even more stretched over the coming months. This is likely to cause delays to the provision of advice.

For more information or to request a consultation, please contact Lauren today on 020 7504  7071 ext 31 or email

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