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Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

In all industries, these three factors continue to grow in importance for businesses, regardless of size. Our ESG experts will help create bespoke ESG guidelines and will aid with finding the appropriate training in order to enhance your customer satisfaction and staff engagement.


Most large businesses are already subject to mandatory climate disclosures requirements. The UK Government’s Roadmap towards Mandatory Climate-related Disclosures indicates that by 2025, this will be extended across the majority of UK corporate structures.


Diversity, Equality and Inclusion are already high on many business agendas and businesses are increasingly looking for ways to embed behaviour into contracting. The UN’s recent resolution to recognise the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment may become more relevant with time.


Those responsible for businesses face increasing demands from stakeholders for transparency, demonstrable ethics and a commitment to sustainability. A multitude of benefits stem from incorporating sustainability into business strategy, across recruitment and retention, branding and valuation and cost of capital.

Our ESG experts have the flexibility to work with you exactly when and where you need them and thanks to our flexible approach to fees, we offer extremely competitive pricing.

At Nexa, we will work with you to make a positive difference, through:

  • ESG training and guidance
  • Incorporating sustainability into your business strategy
  • Using climate clauses in your legal documentation
  • Climate reporting such as carbon reduction plans

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